Yes, name is John Rucker. You may know Jamine or Caleb Rucker. They are my nephews. I can take no credit…or blame for them. Their father, who was born the year my high school class graduated, was one of the six children in our family who walked the 100 yards up from Grandview to attend and graduate from Lipscomb High School.


As a member of the class of 1957 I am not here to talk primarily about the past. I would like to tell you something about your future! Wouldn’t that be exciting if I could accurately predict your future! I can, but with these provisos. We know that there is no guarantee of any future. It may be God’s plan to end all things, or for any of us individually, our life could end today. However, with the assumption that there will be a future, I can tell you with a high degree of accuracy three things that you will experience during the next 50 years … and each will have some implications for you.


First, for you the next 50 years will go by with incredible speed, much faster than you can imagine. All of us that were here 50 years ago will tell you that is what it was like for us. James the brother of Jesus put it this way: “What is your life, it is like a vapor that appears for a little while then vanishes.” You may not appreciate that now, but you will come to realize how quickly your life passes. The implication and lesson from that is that you will need to seize each opportunity when it is presented. Don’t wait. Don’t procrastinate. Practice the mantra summed up in the Latin phrase “Carpe diem”. Seize the day. You will be glad you did.


The second, accurate prediction I can make is that you will experience a fantastic amount of change. Things will change in ways that you can not always anticipate. There will be obvious physical changes, but also ways of doing things will change. Our class had no cell phones, no instant messaging, no “My space” or Google. If we needed to look something up we went into a small white frame barracks building that sat between here and Harding Hall that was our library. Our chemistry lab was in the basement of a gymnasium that has been torn down. Our chapel was held in the auditorium that was the second floor of Harding Hall. If some of us drove to school, it may have been in Chrysler’s with fins or 98 Oldsmobile’s that got 10 miles to the gallon, but that was not too bad… gas was 29 cents a gallon. The implication of the great amount of change that you will experience is that you need to be prepared for it. You will need to learn to distinguish between changes that are good or beneficial and those that are bad or harmful. Successfully navigating the changes will be a major task ahead for you.


The third and final thing I can tell you about your future is that some things will NOT change. Our God does not change. Yes, your faith can and should grow and mature, but God is unchangeable and His will and Word do not change.

In the sermon delivered to our class at graduation, Jim Bill Macintyre emphasized four things of importance for our future. They were, Duty, Service, Hope and Love. It is these attitudes and ideals that do not change. Regardless of where you go, what profession or career you have, they will remain constant reference points for your life. I can not predict how you will express these in your life. Perhaps you will become a teacher, or minister. Some may become a doctor, dentist or nurse. Others of you will own your own businesses; become engineers, corporate executives or investment bankers. Perhaps even a politician! Many of you will have children and grandchildren and your opportunities for bringing Service, Hope and Love will play out in very many personal ways. Maybe you will help build a Christian broadcast station in a foreign land. Perhaps you will serve on a medical mission ship visiting far away ports. Maybe you will take in a homeless child. Whatever you do, wherever you go, some things you are learning here at this place will provide an unchanging foundation for your life. Just like the ship captain or airplane pilot, you may need the fixed, unchanging things to provide direction and show you the way when your life goes off course.


If you do have a future of fifty or more years, I hope you will come back and share with those students in a far off time a bit of your life. I predict that you will tell them …


It all went by with incredible speed – seize the opportunities;


You experience fantastic changes – some good … some not; so learn to distinguish the difference;


Hold on to the unchanging principals that this school and institution brings to your life;


The class of 1957 prays for you a future that includes DUTY, SERVICE, HOPE and LOVE …. and may God continue to bless you richly!


David Lipscomb Campus School – Chapel – August 31st 2007